4 giugno
9 30- apertura congresso
chairman G. Ridolfi
10 00-Gino IsidoriStandard, Supersymmetric or no Higgs?
10 40-coffee break
11 10-Carla Biggio- Can we distinguish among different models for neutrino mass
in the near future?
11 30-Francesco Coradeschi-Modified spontaneous symmetry breaking pattern by
brane-bulk interaction terms
11 50-Vito Antonelli-What more can neutrino physics tell us about the Standard
Model?Precision measurements with future neutrino beams
12 10-Guido Altarelli-Neutrino Mixing in a Grand Unified Model
12 40-14 30-pranzo
chairman- N.Maggiore
14 30-Andrea Cappelli- Fisica degli anioni
15 10-Michele Montobbio - Localizzazione di Teorie Nonlocali.
15 30-Valentina Forini- QCD-like properties of anomalous dimensions in N=4 SYM
15 50-Carlo Iazeolla- Real forms of complex higher-spin field equations and new
exact solutions
16 10-coffe break
16 40-Michele Cirafici - Instantons and Donalsdon-Thomas Invariants
17 00-Remo Garattini -Casimir Energy and the Cosmological Constant in a de
Sitter space
17 20-Carlo Alberto Ratti -Mesons in marginally defoermed AdS/CFT
17 40-Stephane Detournay-Generalized instantons in N=4 Super Yang-Mills theory
and spinorial geometry
18 00-Walter Vinci -Constructing Non-Abelian Vortices with Arbitrary Gauge
5 giugno
chairman- N.Maggiore
9 30-Eto Minoru-Static intaraction of non-Abelian vortices
9 50-Francesco Fiamberti-Wrapping interactions and integrability in standard and
beta-deformed N = 4 Super Yang-Mills
10 10-Liuba Mazzanti - Holographic gluon plasma thermodynamics
10 30-Diego Bombardelli-Large spin corrections in N=4 SYM sl(2) at weak and
strong coupling
10 50-coffe break
chairmen- P. Zanghi N. Magnoli
11 20-Rodolfo Figari-Modelli di ambiente quantistico
12 00-Giovanni Morchio-Diffeomorfismi e Meccanica quantistica sulle varieta
12 20-14 30-pranzo
14 30-Sven Bjarke Gudnason- Potenziale di HyperKahler e lumps in teorie di gauge
SO(N) e USp(N)
14 50-Christian Mastrodonato, Convergenza all'equilbrio di sistemi quantistici
15 10-Alberto Montina-Exponential complexity and ontological theories of quantum
15 30-Filippo Colomo-Arctic Curves for interacting dimers
15 50-Fabio Cavaliere-Study of quantum dot properties employing the
spin--projected unrestricted Hartree--Fock method".
16 10- coffe break
16 40-Eros Mariani-Il grafene: tra QED e le membrane elastiche
17 20-Dario Ferraro-Relevance of multiple-quasiparticle tunneling between Edge
States p/(2np+1)
17 40-Giovanni Feverati-Modelli di Hubbard supersimmetrici
18 00--Paolo Solinas-Environmental noise reduction for holonomic quantum gates
18 20- proposte organizzazione XXXI congresso
sera- cena sociale- vedere le informazioni sulla home page
6 giugno
chairman M. D'Elia
9 30-Guido Cossu "A test of first order scaling in Nf=2 QCD: progress report"
9 50-Alessandra Feo "Lattice supersymmetry in one dimension with two
10 10-Alessio D'Alessandro "Magnetic monopoles in high temperature QCD"
10 30-Matteo Giordano "High-energy hadron-hadron (dipole-dipole) scattering from
lattice QCD"
10 50-coffe break
11 20-Philippe de Forcrand "QCD at finite temperature and density
from lattice simulations"
12 00-Stefano Lottini "Percolation as a gauge theory (I): general features and
12 20-Pietro Giudice "Percolation as a Gauge Theory (II): beyond the free string
12 40-Agostino Patella "Planar equivalence on the lattice: the quenched quark
13 00- chiusura congresso
